Enhancing a Beverage Experience
Coca-Cola Compact Freestyle® is a smart beverage dispenser offering consumers choice and personalisation while reducing emissions and packaging. Consumers can customise beverage temperature and carbonation levels from around 40 options.

I designed the user interface, researched pain points, and created sketches and high-fidelity prototypes. As a result, we reduced queue time by 25% and predicted 32% higher customer loyalty over the previous design. Project details are under NDA until product release.
Monitor Settings
The On Screen Display (OSD) menu for adjusting HP monitor settings was overwhelmingly complex and challenging to navigate. Our objective was to identify the settings most frequently used by customers and redesign the navigation structure to prioritise and streamline access to those high-priority use cases.

Due to NDA restrictions, I cannot share the project information or visuals until this product is released.
Storify is a multimodal writing tool designed to foster storytelling skills in children aged 6-10 with dyslexia. It empowers narrative crafting by integrating text, visuals, and audio elements, providing personalised real-time feedback.

Through adaptive learning algorithms, Storify tailors support to each student's profile, nurturing metacognitive strategies and self-regulation abilities in writing. As over 10% of the global population experiences dyslexia, Storify addresses neurodiversity through thoughtful design and offers an inclusive platform for young writers to unleash creativity and thrive.
Unlocking the
Two Sigma Potential
A 1960s study, dubbed the 'Two Sigma Problem,' revealed that students receiving one-on-one tutoring outperformed 98% of their classroom peers, highlighting the effectiveness of personalised learning, which remains financially inaccessible for many. Poiesis is an innovative educational platform fostering peer collaboration and self-paced mastery-based learning.

Leveraging AI assessment and adaptive scaffolding, Poiesis aims to emulate one-on-one tutoring benefits, delivering personalised guidance to enhance competency development for all learners.
Mastering Procedural Skills Asynchronously
How to scaffold and assess the construction of procedural skills like assembling an electronic board in asynchronous tutoring? This complex problem emerged in the CoreSkills project research process. Qualified as an ill-defined domain, it lacks study due to disinterest or funding limitations in Edtech academia and industry disincentives to tackle such expensive, niche challenges.

My solution is a lo-fi prototype needing further research through design iterations and evaluation. It compares tutor’s vs tutee’s motion patterns and cross-analyses peer skill assessments.
N26's Mobile App
N26, the mobile banking app, recognised the potential for improvements in its data representation and personalised financial planning tools.

This project elevated the app's user experience by introducing intelligent data visualisation techniques and personalised savings simulations.

Due to NDA restrictions, I cannot share the project information or visuals.
Uncharted Spotify
The Uncharted Spotify project provides a visual way to explore new music genres and styles. An interactive map represents music genres as distinct territories, with familiar genres highlighted and unfamiliar areas uncharted for exploration.

As users interact with playlists and provide feedback, algorithms adapt recommendations based on their preferences. Key is intuitive graphical navigation letting them pan, zoom across the music geography to uncover niche subgenres or get broad overviews. Selecting any area generates a personalised playlist blending familiar tastes with new suggestions from that uncharted territory.
Let’s go out with Sociability
When I design, I prioritise accessibility to enhance design quality for all users. Sociability serves as the 'Google Maps' for users with accessibility needs, and my contribution aims to enhance their app experience.

Through user feedback analysis, it's clear the app's core challenge is helping users find venues tailored to their needs.

To address this, I've developed a solution allowing users to create accessibility profiles linked to their searches.